Summer School

“I’m so glad I came to summer school, so I could have this experience!”
— summer school student

Summer School

First … let’s call the elephant in the room already with the two words above …

Not many people want to put “summer” and “school” together. 

At China Grove, some teachers and admin from CG and Corriher-Lipe came together and made magic happen! 

I went home feeling more alive and inspired each day!! 

It started with our team of teachers. 

We pulled together and collaborated some great lesson plans:

A derby stem project! The constraint was it had to be made out of PASTA! 

Our PBL involving a lot of movement with mean, median,mode and range! 

Our iReady math goals that the students set each day. And may I add—- they smashed some goals! 

Our hands on lessons with the kids…. Math coming alive. 

That’s just it. We all had an energy that came alive when we were together. 

We worked hard. 

We played hard. 

Today was so memorable. 

Some of us cried because it was over .. but all of us laughed and smiled. 

Today, a lot of us even danced!!! 

We celebrated each other for the end of summer school where everyone made growth.


Today and this experience will be etched in my heart. 

I saw kids really come out of their “shells” and even say, 

“I’m so glad I came to summer school, so I could have this experience!”

In one of our podcasts, several students made a powerful statement.

I asked them what would they bring into the school year that was part of summer school…

Their response, “the teachers and staff”

So to my teachers & difference makers:

YOU matter to these kids ! What you’re doing matters! Inspiring kids with “quotes of the week” incentives to keep going, showing them that you believe in them, encouraging them everyday! It matters. 

And to my kids - YOU matter to me! I had an unforgettable journey of summer school ! We smashed math goals. We celebrated like champions. 

And, we ended it feeling like we conquered it! 

We even felt sad that it was over! 

Thanks to the admin, staff, and our bus drivers!

Here are some pictures and videos.

Don’t miss watching our Mannequin Challenge! They were so still!