They Believed

My fear is getting embarrassed (among others but I wont get into that).

Today, before the staff basketball game started, I started doubting myself. 

“What if I make an idiot of myself & cant dribble the ball?”

“What if I make a wrong move?” 

A big one was: “What if I disappoint my team?”

All the students were watching. I wanted to be somewhat cool. 😎 

With my doubts, I dressed anyway, put on my jersey, and even the red socks. 

Before the game started.... I’m talking ...just warming up... 

I managed to mess it up in the layups. I think the ball made contact with my teammate’s face. 


So yea... I felt stupid at that point. 

Until I heard the cheering. 

My name was being spelled and yelled. Loudly. 


I smile. It’s sweet right?!

Of course. 

But I’m thinking ... dang ... they believe in me more than I do in myself  right now. 

“I gotta play. I gotta do my best.”

First chance I get, I didnt even see the ball coming to me and out of bounds it goes. Then, I managed to race the ball and slap it back in bounds. I should have let it go since the other team touched it last. 

If there were points for messing up, I would have been MVP.

Did I make wrong moves? Yes. 

Do I have ball player skills? That’s a big no. 

But I witnessed today: 

I do have an amazing set of teachers who are passionate about their team and school. They are competitive, yes.

But they let a girl like me play today. 

One of my teammates passed the ball to me when he had all the chances to make it himself. #trueballplaya

The part that stands out the most — the students. 

They cheered proudly and loudly… to keep going!

Today’s game makes me reflect as a teacher. 

How do kids come in the class sometimes ? Do they enter with some stress wondering if they will mess up? Will they disappoint? Will they be embarrassed ? 

What do we get to do as teachers EVERYDAY? 


 ESPECIALLY when they mess up. Have signs that tell them you’re proud of them for pushing beyond their comfort zones. 

You’re proud of their small, medium, and large accomplishments. Your belief may be the match that lights a belief in themselves.

It will stand out to them! 



