Rocket Launch!

“Am I about to build a rocket and launch it? How am I going to do that? I don’t know the first thing about it.”

I played these thoughts in my mind on a feedback loop, and I almost didn’t go!

“Just go to learn,” I reassured my anxious self.

‘And that’s how it started. I launched myself into learning. I asked questions. LOTS of questions. I took pictures and videos. I asked if they would repeat the directions. The amazing rocket experts, I’ll call them, were very willing and made themselves available to help me. They were patient with me and even laughed and joked around with me. Quickly, my nerves settled.


It was time for the launch. I pumped myself up by watching a couple launches before my turn. I saw launches that didn’t go as ‘planned’ but they were celebrated anyway. THEN, the igniter, was handed to ME. It was my turn. Here I was, standing in front of the “experts” nervous I was going to blow something up or do it all wrong.

The red light was on. The countdown began.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2…1…


Too much excitement inside to hold it in. I screamed with enthusiasm. I heard the echoing screams around me from my fellow colleagues. It was official. I became a rocket launcher.

What a feeling.

PS. Guess what?

Horizons Unlimited is offering this awesome experience to students!

Here, I created a fun graphic/video using adobe spark post.

This day! I decided to build a rocket and launch it. It started with the mindset, "Today, I'm a learner." After the infamous countdown, my rocket launched! #...