We Get To

Students are coming in to class and getting settled. They check out the message on the screen after we greet one another. Before I can finish going over the objective for class, a student asks, “We get to work with you today, right?”

One of my math groups wanted to learn what the seventh graders were learning, so I spent some time with them. We would talk about the concept and they would practice the skill. During that time, we would also just talk. They were eager and wanted more small group time the next day!

Speaking of next day, an awesome co-teacher of mine came to work with me on a podcast together. In this episode, he said a phrase that stuck out to me, “Everyday, I look forward to coming to school.”

It left me inspired.

We GET TO be difference makers in the lives of our students….

EVERY day!

EVERY day, you are getting up and taking on the challenges, one at a time.

Keep taking each step.

To all students out there, thank YOU for your hard work that you put in… especially this year! We enjoy getting to work alongside of you and help you.

To all difference makers, thank YOU. You go above and beyond.

Remember, we GET TO partner with our students’ education and help them succeed. We GET TO cross the finish line together. We can do this. One quarter left, and we GET TO finish strong!

For now though, our school GETS TO have Spring Break.

Happy Spring Break. Rest up.